This page includes many of the questions that are frequently asked about Select Soccer, FC Storm, Premier and Tryouts.
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As FC Storm has grown, it has maintained it’s small club values that our families expect; players come first, families are important and we invest in and are connected to the communities where we live and play. Growth is allowing us to teach better soccer, reach players of all ages and skills, hire professional Directors of Coaching, build a proven training curriculum and provide a professionally managed experience for players and parents.

What is select soccer?
Select soccer requires players to attend an open tryout session and be selected to play on a team. The teams play year-round; the season begins in the fall and ends in the spring. Training is more focused on player development (ball skills) at the younger ages and team development (game tactics) at the older ages
Who is FC Storm?
FC Storm is the competitive soccer division of thge Loveland Youth Soccer Oranization. Storm FC is a year-round competitive soccer program that is player centered, family friendly and community connected. Teams are formed through an open tryout process each spring. Coaches are licensed through US Soccer. Teams are composed of players from many communities on the Eastern side of Cincinnati. Nearly 20 school districts are represented by our players. Teams, except high school age, play in both fall and spring leagues, and participate in winter skill training. High school age teams play only in the spring.
What is FC Storm’s Mission?
FC Storm was created with a simple mission; to offer the best soccer experience for players and families. It is built on four pillars that are the foundation for everything we do:
(1) Provide professional training to enable players to become the best they can be
(2) Intentionally invest in players personal growth to provide opportunities to develop the life skills that lead to succeed off of the field
(3) Connect to and give back to our communities by participating in projects to serve those who are less fortunate and offering campus based teams for our youngest players
(4) Have fun being part of a team, club and community of like-minded players and coaches
How does select soccer different from recreational soccer?
There are several main differences
- Select soccer uses a tryout system. Players have to tryout against other players of their age and gender. Not all players are offered a roster positon on a team.
- Teams stay together for a full year; payer commit to fall and spring training and games with winter training.
- Teams practice more than in recreational soccer; at least twice a week
- Coaches are licensed through US Soccer. Many teams have access to a professional trainer.
- FC Storm teams follow a training curriculum developed in collaboration with outside professional coaches and trainers.
- Select soccer is more expensive. A full year costs $1250 vs about $220 for recreational soccer.

What is FC Storm’s Mission?
FC Storm was created with a simple mission; to offer the best soccer experience for players and families. It is built on four pillars that are the foundation for everything we do:
(1) Provide professional training to enable players to become the best they can be
(2) Intentionally invest in players personal growth to provide opportunities to develop the life skills that lead to succeed off of the field
(3) Connect to and give back to our communities by participating in projects to serve those who are less fortunate and offering campus based teams for our youngest players
(4) Have fun being part of a team, club and community of like-minded players and coaches
What ages are FC Storm teams
Please see the list of teams planned for the 2024-25 Playing Season at for the Select teams and for the Premier teams. A general list of all of the age based teams is found on the home page at
Do you have different levels of teams?
Yes. We have found that all of our players develop better when grouped with players of similar abilities. And, teams develop best when the gap in skill levels among players is small. All kids develop at different rates and a ‘B’ team player at a younger age can become the best player in the club at an older age. We have seen this pattern occur in our club. Sometimes a player needs to develop ball skills and other times they need to mature physically and/or mentally, or it might just be a case of growing in confidence to use the abilities they have. Each year tryouts will be used to ensure players are on the team that is best for their growth; that can mean player movement between the teams.
Where do Storm teams practice?
The U9 and U10 teams practice and play in either Milford, Indian Hill or Loveland depending on their home field. Older teams genearlly practice in the Loveland area where the club has access to a number of public and private fields.
Where are games played?
Our teams play in a variety of leagues. Youngest teams play in the Cardinal Premier League play against teams from the greater Cincinnati area. Games could be anywhere in the I-275 loop. Home games are played at Indian Hill Fields for teams based in Indian Hill and in Phillips Park, Boike Park or Miami Meadows Park in Milford. Teams in the Buckeye Youth Premier Soccer League play teams in the Cincinnati, Dayton and Columbus area so away games could be at fields from Northern Kentucky to Columbus.
Can my son/daughter play another sport at the same time?
Yes. We believe there is value having multi-sport playing experiences throughout the year. It can help children become more well-rounded athletes. You will need to work with your child's coach on the specifics of playing on both a Storm team and another sports program. Early communication with the coach and advanced planning is critical.
It is important to realize that we have full time players who are at every practice and game. When a player misses significant practice or playing time, it can be difficult to continue to be competitive with their peers. That could impact the ability to make future teams.
What are Premier Teams
Premier is a more competitive division of FC Storm designed for players with advanced skills. Teams are formed during tryouts a week before the Select Teams are formed. It begins at U11 (the first year players play 9v9 games). Players in the Premier division must be physically and mentally ready for more rigorous practices and a faster, more competitive game envioronment. The season requires more time from the player; practices are 3 nights a week, there are more tournaments (some involve out of town weekends) and more winter training is offered.
Can Anyone Tryout for Premier?
Yes, but we encourage only those players with advanced skills and who are ready for more rigorous training. Games are faster and the competition is stronger in the leagues in which Premier teams play.
Do Premier TEams GEt Better TRaining
No. FC Storm offers the same quality of training to all players. The intensity and expectations are geared to support teams at their skill level. All players and teams are trained by coaches who FC Storm believes to be qualified and capable to teaching soccer. All FC Storm coaches go through the same inhouse training. FC Storm requires all coaches to have a minimum US Soccer National D Coaching License.
Does Premier Cost More?
Yes. The fee is $1600. The fee for FC Storm Select Team is $1250. The additional fee includes: 50% more field and training time, additional tournaments in the fall and spring, entry into the Ohio Soccer Association Presidents or State Cup, additional training options in the winter (futsal, conditioning).
Read the information on the Premier Website Page; You may also contact Anthony Doherty, Director of Coaching who oversees the training for all Premier Teams at [email protected].
Do I need to register for tryouts?
Yes, all players need to register for tryouts at . Look for the registration information. You will need to create an account with the registration platform we use; Demoshphere, if you don’t already have one. This is different than Team Snap which we use for recreational soccer.
When are tryouts?
The complete tryout schedule is listed on the FC Storm website:
The links above include the tryout field location, dates and times for each age group from birthyears 2016 through high school ages.
Do I need to register for tryouts?
Yes, all players need to register for tryouts at Look for the registration button. You will need to create an account with the registration platform we use; Demoshphere, if you don’t already have one. This is different than Team Snap which we use for recreational soccer.
Does it cost anything to tryout?
No, there is no fee to register and attend tryouts.
What should a player bring to tryouts?
All players need to bring an inflated soccer ball (with your name on it) and plenty of water; wear shin guards and soccer cleats.
What should my child wear to tryouts?
All players will be assigned a white tryout shirt with a number on the back. That needs to be worn during tryouts; the number is how we track players. Please wear a lightweight shirt that can be worn under the tryout shirt, or you may change into the tryout shirt. Wear dark shorts.
Do not wear clothing from another soccer club.
When should I arrive?
Check-in will begin 30 minutes prior to the start of the tryout time for your age group.
Where do I check-in?
Check-in will be adjacent to the parking lot. There will be check-in tables under pop up tents.
Can I watch my child tryout?
No. We have found that spectators can be a distraction to players and coaches during the tryout. We want the players’ full attention focused on the tryout.
Is my child supposed to attend both nights of tryouts?
Yes, we highly recommend the players attend both nights of tryout so that the coaches can get a good observation of your child. If you cannot attend both, please make sure the volunteers at check in know which sessions you will be attending.
What is the cost to play for Storm?
The approximate yearly cost is from $1250 to $1600 depending on the divisoin. Please see for more information on Club Fees. The fee is all inclusive; covering all expenses associated with a fall and spring season league games and tournaemnts, coaches/trainers and winter skill training. The only thing not covered are supplemental camps and and additional training opportunities. A deposit is required at the time you accept an offer to play for FC Storm. You may pay the remainder of the fee on an installment plan.
Do you offer financial assistance
Yes, they are determined on a case-by-case basis and depend on need. Please contact Jennifer Paumier at [email protected] to discuss options for your situation.
Do I have to buy a uniform?
Yes, players purchase a specially designed uniform kit made by Under Armor through an arrangement with Soccer Village. The cost is about $200. The uniform can be worn for multiple seasons.

Do teams play year-round?
Can I tryout for only one season
No. We do not have a good way to accommodate players who only want to play soccer in the fall. That would mean carrying a higher number of players on the fall in order to have a sufficient number of players in the spring.
When does fall practice begin?
Fall practice beginsin early August with an all-club training camp.
What does a typical season look like?
Team – Parent Meetings in June
June – July – informal pick-up games
First week of August - fall practices begin
August and October – fall practice, league games and tournaments
November and December – no officially sanctioned team activities
January and February – skill based training
First week of March - spring practice begins
March to May – spring practice and league games
Do teams play in tournaments?
Yes. Teams generally play in 2 tournaments in the fall and 2 in the spring. Tournaments are selected by our Club Directors of Coaching and the team coach. There is an abundance of good tournaments in the Cincinnati and Dayton areas. Older teams with the permission of the club may attend a travel tournament in a location which requires an overnight stay. Tournament fees are included in the Club Fee. Personal travel expense to an overnight tournament is the responsibility of each family.