Boys 2017
May 19 & 20
Monday & Tuesday
5:15 - 6:63 pm
Girls 2017
Boys 2016
Girls 2016

Tryout Locations

Phillips Park in Loveland
11667 Rich Rd
Loveland, 45140

Livingston Field in Indian Hill
9350 Given Road
Cincinnati, OH 45243

Village Park in Milford
158 Race Street
Milford, 45150
(downtown Milford)


Subscribe to FC Storm Newsletter

Sign up for the FC Storm Newsletter to stay up-to-date on club events and tryout information using the button below.

Players Right to Choose

FC Storm supports the player’s right to choose as outlined in the By-Laws of the OSA. Click here to read more.

All players have the right and opportunity to choose which team, club or association of teams tryouts they wish to attend. No team, club, association of teams, or OSYSA member league may violate, infringe or restrict this basic right for players in any manner.

FC Storm expects that player will honor their commitment to a club for the entire seasonal year:

Players, parents and coaches must also recognize that players are bound to the team for the entire seasonal year once they sign a player registration form, subject to the Bylaws of OSYSA and their member leagues regarding player transfers and voluntary quits.

The complete By-Laws pertaining to this topic can be found at


2024 – 25 Playing Season


Campus Select Teams (U9 & U10)
Club Select Teams (U11 to U18)

Contact Jessica Buringrud with questions at [email protected]

Boys Select Teams 2025-26

Boys Campus Teams
Indian Hill, Loveland, Milford


2016 Indian Hill
2016 Milford
2016 Loveland

2015 Indian Hill
2015 Milford
2015 Loveland

For more information on the Campus Teams CLICK HERE.

Boys Club Teams



2010 Trapped 8th Grade (Fall Only)
2010 (Spring Only)
2009 (Spring Only)
2008 (Spring Only)
2007 (Spring Only)

Girls Select Teams Planned for 2024-25

FC Storm Campus Girls Teams
Indian Hill, Loveland, Milford


2016 Indian Hill
2016 Milford
2016 Loveland

2015 Indian Hill
2015 Milford
2015 Loveland

FC Storm Club Girls Teams



Fall High School Team (2010 to 2007)
2010 (spring Only)
2009 (Spring Only)
2008/09 (Spring Only)
20006/07 (Spring Only)

FC Storm Academy Registration

Players born in 2017 or 2018 can play in the FC Storm Academy.  Click below to register.


2024-25 Schedule

— preseason camp August 12-15
— team training begins in August.
— 8 to 9 league games in September and October.
— 2  tournaments (one may be out of town for older teams)
— training, conditioning and indoor soccer opportunities in January and February
— team training begins in March
— 8  league games in April and May
— participate in 2 tournaments

Program Overview

The FC Storm Select Division has the following programs

Campus Teams – U9 (2016) and U10 (2015) teams are formed from the pool o f players who tryout at each Campus.

Club Select Teams – Teams are formed from the pool of all players who tryout at each age.

Trapped 8th Grade – A Fall only team for the 2010 birthyear players who are in 8th grade.

Spring High School – Spring only teams for players in high school (U15 to U19). Tryouts occur in May with Supplemental Tryouts, if needed, at the end of the high school soccer season.

Fall High School – Fall only teams for players who do not play on a High School JV or Varsity team.  Teams are combined ages, U15 through U19 players. 


Tryout Schedule

Birthyears 2016 (U9) and 2015 (U10)

Indian Hill Campus Teams

Livingston Field

BOYS 2016

May 22 & 23
5:00 – 6:15 pm
Livingston Field 4

BOYS 2015

May 22 & 23
6:45 – 8:00 pm
Livingston Field 4

Loveland Campus Teams

Phillips Park

BOYS 2016

May 22 & 23
5:00 – 6:15 pm
Phillips Park D

BOYS 2015

May 22 & 23
6:45 – 8:00 pm
Phillips Park D

Milford Campus Teams

Village Park

BOYS 2016

May 22 & 23
5:00 – 6:15 pm
Village Park

BOYS 2015

May 22 & 23
6:45 – 8:00 pm
Village Park

Indian Hill Campus Teams

Livingston Field

GIRLS 2016

May 20 & 21
5:00 – 6:15 pm
Livingston Field 4

GIRLS 2015

May 20 & 21
6:45 – 8:00 pm
Livingston Field 4

Loveland Campus Teams

Phillips Park

GIRLS 2016

May 20 & 21
5:00 – 6:15 pm
Phillips Park D

GIRLS 2015

May 20 & 21
6:45 – 8:00 pm
Phillips Park D

Milford Campus Teams

Village Park

GIRLS 2016

May 20 & 21
5:00 – 6:15 pm
Village Park

GIRLS 2015

May 20 & 21
6:45 – 8:00 pm
Village Park

Rain Date – Friday, May 24 – Details Announced If Needed


Tryout Schedule

11668 Rich Rd
Loveland, OH 45140

BOYS 2014

May 22 & 23
5:00 – 6:15 pm
Phillips C Top

BOYS 2013

May 22 & 23
6:45 – 8:00 pm
Phillips C Top

BOYS 2012

May 22 & 23
6:45 – 8:00 pm
Phillips B Bottom

BOYS 2011

May 22 & 23
5:00 – 6:15 pm
Phillips B Top

BOYS 2010

Fall Trapped 8th Grade

May 22 & 23
5:00 – 6:15 pm
Phillips B Bottom

BOYS 2010

Spring Only

May 22 & 23
5:00 – 6:15 pm
Phillips B Bottom

BOYS 2009

Spring Only

May 22 & 23
6:45 – 8:00 pm
Phillips A Bottom

BOYS 2008

Spring Only

May 22 & 23
6:45 – 8:00 pm
Phillips A Top

BOYS 2006/07

Spring Only

May 22 & 23
6:45 – 8:15 pm
Phillips A Top

Rain Date

Friday, May 24
Phillips Park, Loveland
If Needed


Tryout Schedule

11668 Rich Rd
Loveland 45140

GIRLS 2014

May 20 &21
5:00 – 6:15 pm
Phillips C Top

GIRLS 2013

May 20 & 21
6:45 – 8:00 pm
Phillips C Top

GIRLS 2012

May 20 & 21
6:45 – 8:00 pm
Phillips B Bottom

GIRLS 2011

May 20 & 21
5:00 – 6:15 pm
Phillips B Top

GIRLS 2010

Trapped 8th Grade

May 20 & 21
5:00 – 6:15 pm
Phillips B Bottom

GIRLS 2010

Spring Only

May 20 & 21
5:00 – 6:15 pm
Phillips B Bottom

GIRLS 2009

Spring Only

May 20 & 21
5:00 – 6:15 pm
Phillips A Bottom

GIRLS 2008

Spring Only

May 20 & 21
5:00 – 6:15 pm
Phillips A Top

GIRLS 2006/07

Spring Only

May 20 & 21
6:45 – 8:00 pm
Phillips A Top

Fall High School

May 20 & 21
5:00 – 6:15 pm
Phillips B Bottom

Rain Date

Friday, May 24
Phillips Park, Loveland
If Needed


Download Field Map

Phillips Park
11667 Rich Road
Loveland, OH 45140

Click here for directions:


158 Race Street
Milford, 45150 (downtown Milford)

Click here for directions:


Livingston Park Fields
9350 Given Rd
Cincinnati, OH 45243

Click here for directions:

  1. Register for tryouts
  2. Arrive at the field 30 minutes before the start time to check in. Check-in locations will be clearly visible at each field. Tryouts start and end on time.
  3. You will receive a numbered tryout t-shirt. This shirt must be worn to all tryout sessions. The number on the shirt will be used to track players through the tryout process.
  4. If you cannot attend the second night of tryouts, let the Staff know when you check in.
  5. If you cannot attend the first night of tryouts; email Jennifer Paumier, Club Admin, at [email protected] so the tryout coaches can be notified.
  6. Bring to tryouts – water bottle and soccer ball with your name on both.
  7. Wear dark shorts and a lightweight shirt that can be worn under the tryout shirt.
  8. Do not wear clothing with any club affiliation; this includes current FC Storm players.

If you did not register for tryouts, you can still attend.  We will do walk up registrations at the field.

If your player cannot attend either tryout date; contact Jennifer Paumier, Club Admin, at [email protected] before
tryouts so we can determine how to evaluate your player.

Tryouts are structured to include familiar drills and scrimmage games to create an atmosphere
where players can tryout with confidence and show us their skills and abilities. Tryouts are led by
our professional coaching and training staff.

Tryouts will be held in the rain as long as the field conditions are suitable to play on. If tryouts are
cancelled, you will be notified using the email address you used to register for tryouts. Make up
dates will be announced at that time.

Parents are not permitted onto the fields to watch tryouts. We want the players to focus on
tryouts; we have found parents or visitors can be a distraction. Thank you.


All players will receive an email within 48 hours after the last scheduled tryout indicating you are either:

  • Offered a position on the team
  • Not offered a position, but placed on the age group waitlist
  • Not offered a place on the team

If you receive an offer to join the team:

  • Players are asked to accept within 48 hours and secure a roster place on the team by paying the 2024/25 Club Fee or paying a deposit and enrolling in the installment plan.
  • If you are placed on a waitlist, you will be notified within 48 to 72 hours if you are offered a position or not.

Additional Information

Tryout Locations

Riverside Park:
3969 Round Bottom Rd
Cincinnati, OH 45244

Milford High School Turf Field:
1 Eagles Way
Milford, OH 45150

9350 Given Road
Cincinnati, OH 45243

Village Park:
158 Race Street
Milford, OH 45150 (downtown Milford)

Phillips Park:
11667 Rich Rd
Loveland, OH 45140

New to FC Storm?
  1. Check out the About Us section of this website for information on our mission and values. It explains who we are and what we believe in.
  2. Fill out a Player Interest Form and attend a training session with your age group.
  3. Feel free to reach out to the club for more information or to have a representative of the club contact you. You may contact us here.

2015 (U9) and 2014 (U10)

Tryouts for 2015 and 2014 teams will occur at the FC Storm training campuses. Teams will be formed from the pool of players who attend the tryout at each location. If there are enough players for multiple teams, players judged to have the highest skills will be placed on the Orange team followed by White, Black and Blue. The teams will carry the campus designation before the color; e.g. FC Storm 2015 Milford Orange. If not enough players attend tryouts at a campus, that group will be combined with players from another campus to form teams. Teams will practice at fields in the community where the tryout occurred.

2013 (U11) through 2009 (U15)

Players of the same birthyear and gender will tryout together. Teams will be created from that club-wide tryout pool. Players will be grouped by similar skill level to form teams. The number of teams will depend on the size of the tryout pool. Players judged to have the highest level of skill will form the Orange team followed by White, Black and Blue.

2009 (U15) through 2005 (U19)

High School aged players will tryout for Spring ONLY teams.

Boys 2009 and Girls 2009 Teams will include a FALL ONLY Team for 8th Graders (‘Trapped 8th Graders’) and a SPRING TEAM. Players not playing high school soccer will be offered a position on the Fall Team.


Information coming soon


FC Storm creates teams with minimal extra players to allow players sufficient playing time in games.  Without a offer response deadline, in the past some families delayed responding for 5 or more days.  That created uncertainty about whether the team had enough players for the team to be formed, impacting the families who had committed to FC Storm.

Attention U7 and U8 Players

Tryouts are not required for our U7 and U8 age groups but you still must register to play. Spring registration has closed, but if you are interested, contact Anthony Doherty at doc@fcstorm to see if there is room for additional players.

Players Right to Choose

FC Storm supports the player’s right to choose as outlined in the By-Laws of the OSA. Click here to read more.

All players have the right and opportunity to choose which team, club or association of teams tryouts they wish to attend. No team, club, association of teams, or OSYSA member league may violate, infringe or restrict this basic right for players in any manner.

FC Storm expects that player will honor their commitment to a club for the entire seasonal year:

Players, parents and coaches must also recognize that players are bound to the team for the entire seasonal year once they sign a player registration form, subject to the Bylaws of OSYSA and their member leagues regarding player transfers and voluntary quits.

The complete By-Laws pertaining to this topic can be found at

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