… unfiltered comments from the president’s desk about our Club and soccer in general …



April 20, 2024

Turnaments play an important role in the rythym of play of our teams.  Ideally, it is an opportunity to play teams outside the league.

We are deliberate about the tournaments we send teams to.  We pick ones that are well-run (and have good parking) with a good reputation of creating fair brackets of teams with similar skills.  Ideally, giving each team an opportunity to win.  Our goal is to put teams in divisions of the tournament where they will be competitive.  My view is that it’s better to win 2 and lose 1 than have 3 teams that are easy to beat.  Unfortunately, some teams or clubs see tournament as an easy chance to collect a trophy by applying to lower division than they should be in.  The result of pretty lobsided scores.  We’ve seen 20-1 and 12-0 scoresl out teams on the losing end.  Our teams didn’t have any fun playing retreive the ball from the goal and the other team certainly didn’t get anything useful out of the game.


Club Expenses


April 28, 2024

Hope everyone is staying safe and healthy and has found ways to adapt to the strange times we are living through.

No decisions have been made yet about the spring select soccer season. The season continues to be on hold until at least early May. We are waiting for Ohio South to make a decision about whether leagues and tournaments will be held this spring or not. Ohio South will be following the guidance from the CDC, the Governor’s office and US Soccer. I would hope to have an update within the next couple of weeks, probably about the same time frame for getting information on schools. As soon as we get any news, we will share it with you and what it means for our club.

You might have seen a notice about our recreational program being cancelled. That only pertains to the recreational part of LYSA. That season never started and was scheduled to end May 16, so even if soccer in the area resumes it was not enough time to run our programs.

We are beginning to post training videos and ideas on our Facebook Page. I know coaches are sending out work out sessions. I’ve seen some clever virtual team training videos. Some teams are running juggling contests. There is a lot of good content for simple drills that’s available in YouTube videos. We will continue to send training ideas and tips out each week. Lets stay healthy, connected and in shape so that we are ready to go once we can get back out on the fields.

If you have any questions, let me know.


Bruce Jones

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