Soccer Bingo Challenge

… unfiltered comments from the president’s desk about our Club and soccer in general …



April 20, 2024

Turnaments play an important role in the rythym of play of our teams.  Ideally, it is an opportunity to play teams outside the league.

We are deliberate about the tournaments we send teams to.  We pick ones that are well-run (and have good parking) with a good reputation of creating fair brackets of teams with similar skills.  Ideally, giving each team an opportunity to win.  Our goal is to put teams in divisions of the tournament where they will be competitive.  My view is that it’s better to win 2 and lose 1 than have 3 teams that are easy to beat.  Unfortunately, some teams or clubs see tournament as an easy chance to collect a trophy by applying to lower division than they should be in.  The result of pretty lobsided scores.  We’ve seen 20-1 and 12-0 scoresl out teams on the losing end.  Our teams didn’t have any fun playing retreive the ball from the goal and the other team certainly didn’t get anything useful out of the game.


Club Expenses


April 28, 2024

Soccer Bingo Challenge

with Coach Anthony


I hope everyone is doing well and staying safe in these worrying times! To hopefully lift spirits and get players touching the ball I have created a fun Bingo Challenge. Each age group has different levels of difficulty (if you can’t complete the challenge just tick it off anyway after a good few attempts) depending on the player’s age/birth year. These bingo cards are attached below. Print them off and mark them off as they are completed. Along with the bingo card are instructions/targets for each challenge. I have also had a great volunteer called Bode Zappin (B10 Orange Storm team) to help me provide video instructions to help know what to do. If you can’t understand my voice I am sure you can figure it out watching. Again the google folder for these is attached below. Take a little video of each skill you do and then create a video with them all together at a faster speed. Attached is a video of me completing the challenge to set the standard(it is very low, my video making skills are not great). There is 4 prizes I am going to give out. 1 each for the most entertaining video from a:
  1. Storm Player
  2. Rec Player
  3. Coach
  4. Parent
Let’s all get involved, the prizes will be good! Once you have created a short video please post it on our Loveland Storm or LYSA Facebook group or email me and I will post it for you. Let me know if you have any questions and I can’t wait to see the videos! Coach Anthony

2012-2013 Bingo Card

2010-2011 Bingo Card

2008-2009 Bingo Card

2007 & Older Bingo Card

//  Video Instructions  //

1 v 1




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