2025-26 CLUB FEES

2025-26 Fees

FC Storm uses an all-inclusive Club Fee structure eliminating the need for coach’s to collect and manage separate team fees.  Fees for 2025-26 Playing Year are unchanged from last year despite increased costs for most services and goods purchased by the club.

FC Storm is part of a 501-c-3 non-profit organization; fees are designed to cover the expenses incurred and create a some savings to support future growth initiatives.  Much of the Club’s work is performed by people who volunteer time and talent to create a professional environment in support our players’ and families’ soccer journey.

Financial Support

FC Storm does not want a family’s financial situation to be a barrier to any player offered a place on a team in the Club.  Financial asistance is available for the 2025-26 Playing Year.  To discuss financial assistance options email Jennifer Paumier at admin@fcstorm.

Discount for Multiple Players

FC Storm families with multiple players in the Select, Premier and Academy Divisions are eligible for a multiple player discount of 15% off of the second, third, etc player.  Discounts are applied to the lesser fee.  Contact Jennifer Paumier at [email protected] to discuss discounted fees options.

2025-26 FEES

U9 & U10 (Full Year)
U11 & U12 (Full Year)
U13 to U15 (Full Year)
Trapped 8th Grade (Fall only)
High School U15 to U19 (Fall only)
U9 to U14 (Nov to May)
High School U15 to U19 (Nov to May)
U11 & U12 (Full Year)
U13 & U15 (Full Year)
High School U15 to U19 (Nov to May Only)
U11 to U14 (Nov to May Only)

Non Refundable Deposit due at the time player accepts offer to play for the 2025/26 Playing Year.  
Installment plans are available to pay equal payments on June 30, July 31 and August 31.
Questions about fee payment should be directed to Jennifer Paumier, Club Treasurer, at [email protected]

The Club Fee pays for all of the expenses the club incurs during the Playing Season, including but not limited to the following:

Directors of Coaching
Coaches, Team Trainers, Keeper Trainers
League Fees
Player Fees & Insurance
Referee Fees
Referee Assignor
Tournament Registration
Field Rental and Usage Fees

Coaches Continuing Education, Licensing and Training
Nets and Goals
Field Maintenance & Lining
Communications and Website
Training Curriculum Development
Marketing and Outreach
Scholarships and Financial Support

FC Storm benchmarks its fee structure against soccer clubs we consisder to run a similar style of program.  In the spirit of transparency, we invite you to look at the clubs we benchmarked our fees against.  We are neither the cheapest, nor the most expensive of this group which includes Cincy SC, Alliance Cincinnati, FOSC, TFA, Lakota and Cincinnati West.

FC Storm offers a family of programs to meet your family’s soccer goals

~  where players train, grow, serve and laugh together  ~
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